(From our friend, world-record holder and former Alphachimp intern, the Jolly Juggler himself: Zach Warren)
The children in Kabul want to wish you Merry Christmas themselves (see video).
A special thanks goes to Jay Cole and the West Virginia Dept. of Education, and to all the individuals whose donations have helped build a new juggling gym for children at the circus in Kabul. The plexiglass structure allows children to play in the light, even during the darkest times of the year.
If you are planning your charitable giving for 2007, please consider a gift to help the MMCC children. I'm making a donation too. Tax-deductible contributions can be made online.
Remembering the blessings of 2006, and wishing you the best for 2007!!
(Click here to listen to a podcast an interview with Zach on his experiences working with the Mini Mobile Children's Circus in Afghanistan.)