On the Road with Tony Blair
Friday, May 30, 2008 at 1:58PM

Graphic facilitator Sita Magnuson has been traveling the world, scribing as she goes.

She has scribed for groups in New Dehli, Bangkok. She has scribed for leaders such as Harmid Karzai in Kabul, and most recently, Tony Blair at the Economic World Forum in Egypt--which made Time Magazine on-line!

Visit Sita's website for more travel adventures.

clipped from www.time.com
Tony Blair
Illustrated Man
During a seminar that Blair gave at the World Economic Forum in Sharm El Sheihk, his words (and those of other speakers at the event) were rendered on a white board as he spoke. The comment "You are crazy to try" was made to the former Prime Minister in regard to his effort to bring peace to Northern Ireland.
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Article originally appeared on Alphachimp Learning Systems LLC (http://alphachimp.squarespace.com/).
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