Colorbrewer 2.0
Wednesday, May 27, 2009 at 10:51AM
Alphachimp in color, cool tools, design, information graphics, maps

© Cynthia Brewer, Mark Harrower and The Pennsylvania State University.

When building maps and information graphics, choosing the right colors to help designate variables--whether population, temperature, or campaign dollars--is a time-consuming challenge.

How does one choose colors that are effective in communicating data, that can be read by the colorblind, that can be considered print fiendly and/or "photocopy-able" ? 

The folks at Penn State have built Colorbrewer 2.0, an effective tool to swiftly aid in the process.

Once a palette is chosen, this free on-line tool allows for easy export to ArcGIS (a mapping app), Excel, or any Adobe product. You can also simply copy and paste the RGB, CMYK or HEX values.

Article originally appeared on Alphachimp Learning Systems LLC (
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