ADP for Dealers

Payroll Plus is ADP Dealer Services next generation web based payroll solution that is designed to get dealers out of payroll processing and back to the frontline of running their auto business.
DIRECTOR: Diane Durand
ARTIST: Lloyd Dangle
EDITOR: Scott Mumford
What our client says:
How was your video received? Did it get the impact intended?
The Payroll Plus Video was well received from our North America and International associates.
Our sales team is thrilled and are actively showing it every chance they get.
How was the process and collaboration experience?
I thought the project management process and online capabilities to collaborate real-time updates, changes, etc. was very impressive. The delivery methods used to review work in process also made it very easy for me to share with my senior management team to acquire approvals.
How would you describe your overall experience?
I expected this project to take up a great deal of my time, and I was pleasantly surprised when your team looked at my script, suggested some changes, asked for approvals, and then simply started executing.
As the project progressed, I really liked the way you delivered frames for review real-time vs. waiting until all frames were completed. This streamlined the time to completion. Your team really did a great job of making a complicated project easy.
~ Darren Deese, Marketing Manager at ADP Dealer Services