Workshop with the Pittsburgh Regional Knowledge Management Consortium
by Alphachimp Sunday, November 13, 2005 at 8:08AM
This was the second speaking engagement with the Pittsburgh Regional Knowledge Management Consortium (PRKMC).
Participants included practitioners involved at all levels of knowledge management: from a VP from a national insurance company; to a data analyst from an international think tank; to start-ups focused on data mining, security, workforce development and human capital management..
The workshop focused on cerebral issues (literally!) around brain function, the definition on "mind", mental maps, collaboration and innovation.
We also covered manual skills such as mind mapping, graphic facilitation and the use of visual learning for strategic planning, problem solving and critical thinking (eg. how to be more effective facilitators and visual modelers of concepts and strategies).
For more detail about Alphachimp Workshops, contact us.
Workshop Outline:
- The Brain
- Definition
- storage device
- determined by DNA
- homeostasis
- processor
- distributed
- complexity
- connections
- neurons
- source of emotions
- Exploration
- Antonio Dimasio
- Book: "The Feeling of What Happens"
- Antonio Dimasio
- Definition
- The Mind
- definiton
- higher functions
- subjective consciousness
- ethereal
- intangible
- distributed
- complex
- self-aware
- source of feelings
- environment
- sensory input
- data
- emotion
- thought
- feelings
- memory
- knowledge
- higher functions
- Maps
- definition
- representation of 3-D and 4-D data
- navigation
- limited
- scaled
- perception changes over history
- examples
- Nuremberg Chronicles
- National Geographic
- Rand-McNally
- NASA satellite images
- Google Earth
- definition
- Tools
- NovMind
- MindJet
- Inspiration
- The Brain
- OmniGraffle
- OmniOutliner
- Resources
- definiton
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