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Genographic Project: A 5-Year Exploration of the Human Journey

From the Genographic Project at NationalGeographic.com:

Explore your own genetic journey with Dr. Spencer Wells. DNA analysis includes a depiction of your ancient ancestors and an interactive map tracing your genetic lineage around the world and through the ages.
The site has a fantastic interactive atlas that reflects the work of Dr. Wells' trek to map the human gene trail from Africa across the Mideast and Asia.

Wells was one of the facinating speakers at Pop!Tech 8 in Camden, Maine.

LISTEN to IT Conversations audio from Pop!Tech 2004 (The New Explorers):
Spencer Wells, a 33-year-old population geneticist, has closed the door on his laboratory and is embarking on the biggest adventure of his life.

His mission: to retrace the most extraordinary journey of all time, a journey that involves every man, woman and child alive today. By collecting blood samples from thousands of men living in isolated tribes around the world and analyzing their DNA, Spencer and his colleagues discovered that all humans alive today can be traced back to a small tribe of hunter-gatherers who lived in Africa 60,000 years ago.

Dr. Spencer Wells hosts a innovative PBS series, Journey of Man, featuring commentary by expert scientists, historians, archaeologists, and anthropologists.

Alphachimp Art from Pop!Tech

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