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Duct Tape Wallet Kit

From Josh Rubin's Cool Hunting
by Ami Kealoha, 16 February 2007 duct-tape-wallet-kit.jpg

It doesn't get anymore DIY than a duct tape wallet. But simple as they may seem, there's a right way and a wrong way. MyDuctbills Duct Tape Wallet Kits comes with step-by-step instructions written by the pros behind dbclay, the Portland-based company that makes quality duct and (more recently) gaffers tape wallets.

For $20, you get a booklet and all the materials you'll need, including three strips of colored duct tape for decoration.

Pick one up from myDuctbills. If you'd rather leave the crafting to the experts, you can still get a ductbill (the original duct tape wallet that preceded dbclay's gaffers tape wallets) here.

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