Crowley Caught a Wild Swarm of Bees
Thursday, June 28, 2007 at 12:01PM

Alphachimp graphic facilitator Steph Crowley is now the proud mamma of two families of bee colonies. We received this email from here about her adventures in bee keeping:
Hello fellow nature geeks! : ) If you're interested, I caught a wild swarm of bees not too long ago that had set up a temporary residence in our front walkway to our house. I was happy to see them, but the neighbors were not. A swarm of bees is a big cluster of bees looking for a new home, with their queen hiding out in the middle of the cluster.They're very gentle at this point because they're homeless and have nothing to protect. So I caught them and gave them a proper home in a new hive in the backyard. Anyhow, if you want to see photos and a video I shot while hiving the swarm of bees, feel free to take a look at my bee photo webpage!
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