The Point: Web 2.0 tool for creating your own change

The Point brings together problems, people, and the pressure of collective action. The site allows users to create campaigns and encourage other people to join anonymously.
Using the principles of Gladwell's Tipping Point, once the number of members reaches a certain critical mass (10, 50, 2000) and action is triggered: a sale, a press release, a protest.
Campaigns are tools for people to organize a group action that occurs only when enough people join to make participation worthwhile. Campaigns can be used for any situation where people want safety in numbers, from planning a party to boycotting a corporation to saving chickens.
Check out the simple, clever animations used to demonstrate the types of people, the problems they want to tackle, and the resulting campaigns--that can use The Point to catalyze change.
Make Something Happen.
The Point is a platform for group action, helping you make things happen that you couldn't accomplish alone.
View an Animated Introduction. See some different ways you can use The Point:
Example Campaign: Scrabulous Don't Go!
- The Frustrated Consumer
- The Unappreciated Employee
- The Loving Parent
- The Concerned Citizen
- The Smart Shopper
Hasbro, Inc. must continue to allow us to play Scrabulous for free or else we will stop buying Hasbro products if 500,000 people join Learn more.

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