Juan Enriquez: The Stars & Stripes Forever?

The stars and stripes forever? Futurist and author Juan Enriquez isn’t sure of that. He cites a long history of borders, countries and flags that have changed, and warns the United States isn’t immune.
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The Untied States of America: Polarization, Fracturing, and Our Future"People assume continuity where there is none."
Enriquez demonstrates that those invidsible lines in the sand--and soil and sea--known as "borders" are as impermanent as the human creatures who determine them.
Starting with a telling animated piece, Imperial History of the Middle East, he demonstrates how common it is for countries to come and go.
What's more, how common it is for peoples with regional identity to hold on to the desire for autonomy, even in countries with centuries of history as a nation--the Basques and Galicians in Spain, for example.
Enriquez deconstructs the American identity and our short, but telling, history of stars and stripes on our flag(s). To date, no US President has been buried under the same flag that he was born under. Juan reprimands us to not take our country for granted, because: "Survival is not mandatory."
More Pop!Tech art by Peter Durand of Alphachimp Studio Inc. at:www.alphachimp.com/poptech-art/

Reader Comments (7)
March 8th, 2010
The Fuhrer,
Herr Horst Köhler ,
The National German Parliament,
German Bundestag Platz,
Der Republik, Berlin,
Germany 11011.
Mr. Alexander Simon,
Sir William Place,
Apartment #305c;
Boonie Doon,
8820-85 Street,
Edmonton, Alberta,
E-Mail: alexandersimonea@gmail.com
Telus Carrier Residential Phone: (780) 466-9719
Dear Herr Fuhrer Köhler:
I wish to convey the following complete Capsule of a Segment of The Auer contribution to a Land Island mature and devoted to a peace-full and caring way un-seen by many Warrior and Sir; I thank the entire Land of Red-and-White I feel needs Military development so please consider this Review.
In the year the USS Skipjack was launched government hands were changing; the National Defence Research Division of the Central Intelligence Agency; the War Production Board refuted the Mayor in Petrozavodsk in Soviet Union Capital of the American Embassy sifting and analouging information similar as in central Headquarters in Washington, D.C.
The US Skipjack was in Bay in India near for nine months, again; sifting for Communist enemy against US interest.
In the Tenali Capital the elected Democrat US President vetoed an Alliance with India's President; in response President US Dwight Donald Eisenhower Gen. Attache to the Central Intelligence Agency Top Hound for his second Congressional Win for The Democratic Party organized in Austin, Texas; Congress assured San Juan by tax evasion and colonizing the South American Peninsula and the US Skipjack patrolled the waters for three years when Norway struck an oil vein capping $2-Billion in Norwegian pay from $7-Million in Norwegian invest, including a years' pay in full to the oil service.
Military mobilization procured an aftermath with the US Treasury Department revealed their partner-in-trading Norway's President Oscar Fredrik Torp newly elected for term Two vetoed a signed pact that allowed and 'oil embargo' preventing Moscow from securing and according the Politburo Alaska State also struck oil that same year insuring Canada particularly Alberta met one years' fuel to power all homes and a portion of vehicles of the same period.
Whilst Premier Nikila Samuel Khruschev ordered through Moscow military and up-to-date, highly refined class of submarine: UU(n) -Hurricane to explore Norway's in-coming oil transport to the US, the British, all English counterpart submarine class also newly engineered MS-Explorer-MM(e) maidened for a 'Cold THUNDERHEAD War' in response to oil need and a US rejection for a Communist supply-trade as a partner.
To retaliate for British wealth; the nuclear generated Explorer Submarine with 'C'-Class guarded near Norwegian sea for near three years when submerged for the last time!
The British Navy's new Class Y MS-Explorer-T11(e) that maidened for 'War-Conflict' collapsed during a torpedoing against the Hurricane set by Norway's Northern Ocean; the Turbine on Registry by The Rolls-Royce Affirmary was designed for all military air-craft including the all new then Mig-22(e)-Turbo-driven-Valve-10-Cylinder Messerschmidt 99.
Within the Turbine a Per-O-Xide-9 Hydro-Fuel-22(b) now used by Shell in North American Space Administration for flight testing of new designs to patent all military in The U.S.; ignited when the Torpedo-99(a) 'oxidized'; this over heated; the Head Crew-man a Pier Nyiermann; who invented another scan for incoming 'pedos signalled by Sonar-On-Ward-Sight for enemy in-coming fire!!
The U.S. Designed this new S.O.N.A.R. to 'flight' all enemy by a Doppler Relay; by a Wave-Image on a frequency near 80,000-Mega-Hertz and the wave-length sends an Oscillary to 'pattern' an enemy map such as N.A.S.A. employs to locate an in-coming Intercontinental Ballistic Missile not recognized by the Northern Organization of Range Defence.
In Japan there was a grand Submarine called the Hiro-10 and this Sub' was created here in Edmonton by Proxy as proven in The Provincial Archives. The year was 1949 when The Hiro last swam well under the blue Pacific and it fought heroically and was sunk by error as early China decided Japan was Enemy to their Shipping of cotton and gun-powder needed for clothing the populace and cannon on land with underdeveloped Naval support.
The Hurricane was in the area of the South Pacific in October 1946 when the Hiro-10 of Nagasaki south rammed into Her Bow!! This mishap crushed four women aboard unfortunately; one was expectant with a boy; the Emperor's son! In the heat of repair and S.O.S. five Destroyers all British including the HMS-99(n); on board the Captain was reported near crying due to the billowing hail of flame; and again, the Hiro near sunk.!
This grande Sub' was part US owned by Delaware and proved a true Allie.
When the US realized the Submarine Hiro was almost submerged with dismay; about 15 Frigates ascended by 'Copter – all Navy Of Seal!!
In Germany nine thousand males, all true of German up-bringing reported a Sonic-9 Wave.! The Frigate Auer-(n); placed by Military-1(n); this cognisance Plane, part Glider-(8); as well, as a full Jet-(b); ran out of fuel and had to 'abort'!!
In salvage five remarkable males swam near the Submarine Hiro which was listing at a 90-degree arc South West; to salvage Her from Royal Nippon; 80 sorties of 'Copter-11(1); Piloting a General new to the Pacific Area a robust and all Catholic male named a Mister Steven (Allan) Roan rescued all drowning from the Hiro and this tragedy is Chronicled in The Stars and Stripes of the Year.
Thanks to all American know how and fine German pin-point location; this remarkable true Warrior was Awarded The Star of Texas!!
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