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PopTech Ecomaterials Lab

Materials matter. Everything we touch, taste, wear, drive, drink, eat — all of it is connected to the use, re-use, and ultimate disposal of materials. The health of the planet and the prosperity of its inhabitants rest largely on how we extract and use materials.

In July 2010 at Harvard Medical School, the first meeting of the Ecomaterials Lab network brought together 40 of these thought leaders and stakeholders for a facilitated dialogue regarding the drivers, constraints, opportunities, and challenges surrounding next-generation sustainable materials (with a particular emphasis on textiles). The gathering unearthed new insights and areas of disagreement, and helped form a network around sustainable ecomaterials.

Alphachimp Studio Inc. was honored to be onsite for graphic facilitation support and graphic capture of the personal insight, passion and urgency expressed by this stellar group of material scientists.

Fast Company has included the results of this event in there list of 8 of the Most Exciting Developments in Material Sustainability!

July 2010 Ecomaterials Lab Report cover

Download the full report here:

Ecomaterials Lab Report (PDF

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    As humanity’s footprint has grown, so too has the amount of materials consumed globally, and particularly in the United States. The average American consumes more than 46,000 pounds of materials in a year. It is difficult to fathom the toll: global warming, desertification, fishery depletion, habitat destruction, biodiversity loss, and increased levels of environmental and human toxicity are all potential consequences of our consumptive habits.
  • Source
    Between 2000 and 2050, the world’s population will grow 50%, global economic activity will grow by 500%, and global energy consumption and materials usage will both increase by 300%. Enter PopTech's Ecomaterials Innovation Lab, a gathering of thought leaders and stakeholders convened at Harvard Medical School last summer to look at the next-generation of sustainable materials innovation. In the slides ahead, we look at some of the most exciting innovations from PopTech's Ecomaterials Innovation