2010 PopTech Paintings

Almost 40 paintings and drawings completed in real-time for PopTech presenters over 3 days.
See all 2010 PopTech Paintings by Peter Durand on Flickr.
Peter's mobile paint studio in the Camden Opera House. For deep coverage of the speakers, videos, photos and links to projects and organizations.
Check out the amazing work done by the PopTech Blogging Team at http://poptech.org/blog
Recording artist, concert performer, and philanthropist John Legend has won six Grammy awards and was named one of Time magazine’s 100 most influential people. His latest albumn is "Wake Up Everybody", a collaboration with The Roots.
John Legend’s activism is deeply intertwined with his music. As he mentioned in his talk that led the PopTech session on Teaching & Learning, this juxtaposition has not been as common since singer/song-writers of the sixties. But it’s time, says Legend, to put the politics back into music — specifically in order to address a public education system that he describes as “completely broken”.
Josh Nesbit of Frontline SMS and Patrick Meier of Ushahidi on the use of crisis mapping in response to the Haitian earthquake.
See video from Patrick's May 2010 presentation in Chicago on the use of crisis mapping and crowdsourcing for real-time humanitarian relief in Haiti: http://poptech.org/blog/visualizing_data_to_drive_social_change
How do other people feel? It’s a simple question, but for graphic designer Orlagh O’Brien, an important one.
“At first, the question seemed flaky,” she said from the conference stage Friday. “But I had this sense that people feel emotions in their bodies, and I wanted to see what would happen if I asked such a really open-ended question.”
O’Brien gave a simple test to a group of 250 people over the course of a month. Asking respondents to describe five emotions – anger, joy, fear, sadness, and love – in drawings, colors, and words, O’Brien ended up with a set of media she used to create Emotionally}Vague, an online graphic interpretation of the project’s results.
MORE: http://poptech.org/blog/orlagh_obrien_wants_to_know_how_you_feel