Visions of the Future from Google Zeitgeist 2010

The welcome sign is made from hundreds of Rubic's Cubes.
As the world emerges from a challenging economic environment, the organizers of this conference believe a change in perspective is needed. This belief has led to the theme for Zeitgeist 2010: Mindshift.
The Zeitgeist community looked at how shifts in thinking have rippled through all aspects of the world. Alphachimp Studio Inc. was invited to graphically capture content clustered in six themes: Opportunity, Lead, Catalyst, Innovate, Unite, Renew.
Zeigeist speakers offer stories of creativity, leadership and innovation in business, science, politics and beyond.See video from past events in Europe and The Americas:
See all images produced for the speakers:
The big event was held at the Montelucia Spa and Resort in view of Camelback Mountain in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Highlights include running into former Mexican president Vicente Fox, Ted Turner interviewed by Tom Brokaw, listening to current mega-star, and the talented kids behind Double Rainbow... The Gregory Brothers (above).
OPPORTUNITY: Difficult times often offer the chance to solve some of our most challenging problems. How can we recognize these opportunities to move our businesses, our economies, and our world forward in a sustainable manner?
Nikesh Arora President, Global Sales & Business Development, Google
Chrystia Freeland Global Edltor-at-Iarge, Reuters
James Wolfensohn Chairman, Wolfensohn & Company, LLC
Nouriel Roubini Chairman & Co-founder, Roubini Global Economics
Ted Turner Chairman, United Nations Foundation
Tom Brokaw Special Correspondent. NBC News
Mikkel Vestergaard CEO, Vestergaard Frandsen Group
LEAD: There have always been individuals who are able to lead effectively in a demanding and evolving world. What does it take to be one of those remarkable people?
James Fallows National Editor, Atlantic Monthly
Martin Seligman Zelferbach Professor, Universify of Pennsylvania and author of "Flourish" (2011)
Sanjay Jha Co-CEO, Motorola Inc, & CEO, Motorola Mobility
Edgar Bronfman, Jr. Chairman & CEO" Warner MUSiC Group
Michael Fitzgerald Writer & Nieman Journalism Fellow, Harvard
A.G. Lafley Former Chairman of the Board, PreSident & CEO, Procter & Gamble
CATALYST: Some leaders are able to set off a chain reaction. How are these people able to bring attention to great challenges and spark new initiatives, ideas and businesses?
Michael Fitzgerald Woter & Nieman Journalism Fellow, Harvard
Sebastian Junger Author & Contributing Editor, Vanity Fair
Paola Antonelli Senior Curator, Department of Architecture & DeSign, MOMA
Andrew Lankford Atlas Collaboration, CERN & Professor, University of California, Irvine
Murray Gell-Mann Nobel Prize-winning Physicist & Professor, Santa Fe Institute
Michael Wesch Professor, Kansas State University
Eric Brewer Visiting Scientist, Google & Professor, UC Berkeley
Cameron Sinclair Co-founder. Architecture for Humanity
Marc Koska Founder & Inventor, Safepoint
INNOVATE: Human beings are driven to create. How can we sponsor innovation in ourselves, and encourage it in others?
Tim O'Reilly Founder & CEO, O'Reilly Media
Jerry Yang Co-founder & Chief Yahoo, Yahoo!
Steve Cousins President & CEO, Willow Garage
Andrew Serwer Managing Editor, Fortune Magazine
Thomas Tull Chairman & CEO, Legendary Pictures
Ariel Emanuel Co-CEO, WME Entertainment
Patrick Whitesell Co-CEO, WME Entertainment
UNITE: Solving large-scale social and economic problems requires the efforts of global communities. What lessons can be learned as we address these issues?
Dennis Woodside Vice President, Americas Operations, Google
Beatrice Perez CMO, Coca-Cola Company Activist & Founder, Black Eyed Peas
John Battelle Founder, Chair & CEO, Federated Media Pubhshing
Alberto Vollmer Chairman & CEO, Santa Teresa Rum Company
Jared Cohen Google
Maajid Nawaz Co-founder & Co-director, The Quilliam Foundation
Paul Carrillo Director, Southern California Crossroads
Geoffrey Canada President & CEO, Harlem Children's Zone
RENEW: Once we have emerged from a challenging time, what is the best way to restart a business, reinvigorate a brand, and renew one's personal vision for the future?
Laura Desmond Global CEO, Starcom Media Vest Group
David Neeleman Founder, Jetblue Airways & Azul Brasilian Airlines
Guy Oseary Owner, Maverick
Howard Lutnick Chairman & CEO, Cantor Fitzgerald
Vicente Fox Former President of Mexico
Marcelo Suarez-Orozco Professor, New York Unilrersity
Ivan Seidenberg Chairman of the Board & CEO. Verizon
Eric Schmidt Chairman of the Board & CEO, Google