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Entries in graffiti (2)


GOOD, Wooster Collective & Blu's Sketchbook

GOOD Magazine and Wooster Collective have teamed up to bring glimpses of art for the masses, aka. graffiti. Really, it represents the mash-up of public spaces and any form of open source media: wall art, installations, ad "fixing", and eclectic personal projects taken to the streets.

Above is a video page-through of a sketchbook produced by the artist Blu. It is amazing on two levels: (1) the surreal images executed in clean, crisp lines and (2) the fact that this is just one of the hundreds of weekly sketchbooks Blu produces each year!


Calma: To Illustrate a Village

A young Brazilian street artist, Stephan Doitschinoff, composes spectacular murals and applies his extraordinary talent to emblazon houses, churches and walls in rural cities in his South American homeland. You can see his process, involving stencils, religious iconography, and styles referencing folk art, wood cuts, computer-generated gradients and comics.

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