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Pop!Tech Art
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2013 Conference | 2013 Social Innovation Fellows | Financial Inclusion Lab | The Resilient City | Full PopTech Collection 2004-2013

Held every October, in the beautiful seaside village of Camden, Maine, the PopTech Conference brings together 700 influential participants for one of the world’s best thought leadership events: a shared exploration of the issues, trends and technologies that will shape the future of our businesses, economy, society and world. Since 2004, Peter Durand of Alphachimp has created on-site paintings live during each presentation. These are the results. Enjoy!  

Entries in PopTech 2011 (1)


Anand Giridharadas: The New India

Anand Giridharadas

Anand Giridharadas, child of Indian parents who immigrated to the United States, returns to live in India as an adult. He encounters a culture shifting from traditional and collective values to a me-centric individualism. Giridharadas asks if the “American Dream” is better represented in places like the New India, rather than in our own increasingly calcified class system with limited upward mobility.

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