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Pop!Tech Art
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2013 Conference | 2013 Social Innovation Fellows | Financial Inclusion Lab | The Resilient City | Full PopTech Collection 2004-2013

Held every October, in the beautiful seaside village of Camden, Maine, the PopTech Conference brings together 700 influential participants for one of the world’s best thought leadership events: a shared exploration of the issues, trends and technologies that will shape the future of our businesses, economy, society and world. Since 2004, Peter Durand of Alphachimp has created on-site paintings live during each presentation. These are the results. Enjoy!  

Entries in public policy (1)


Bill Shore: Break the rules

Bill Shore

Bill Shore is the founder and chief executive officer of Share Our Strength, a national nonprofit that is working to end childhood hunger in America. “Those of us who are passionate about social change and social innovation, we have got to find ways to break the rules. I believe it is a strategic necessity and a moral imperative.”