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Pop!Tech Art
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2013 Conference | 2013 Social Innovation Fellows | Financial Inclusion Lab | The Resilient City | Full PopTech Collection 2004-2013

Held every October, in the beautiful seaside village of Camden, Maine, the PopTech Conference brings together 700 influential participants for one of the world’s best thought leadership events: a shared exploration of the issues, trends and technologies that will shape the future of our businesses, economy, society and world. Since 2004, Peter Durand of Alphachimp has created on-site paintings live during each presentation. These are the results. Enjoy!  

Entries in Social Innovation Fellows 2011 (2)


Paul Needham: Owning electricity

Paul Needham

Paul Needham’s organization, Simpa Networks, makes solar energy available to the poor. By using a pay-as-you-go pricing structure modeled after mobile phone cards, Simpa gives its customers ownership of the electricity. Once the initial cost of the equipment is paid off, the device belongs to the customer and their electricity is free.


Krista Donaldson's Design Revolution

Krista Donaldson

Krista Donaldson runs D-Rev: Design Revolution, which creates world class products—market and user driven—designed to meet the needs of the four billion people all over the world living on less than four dollars a day.