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Entries in humor (5)


The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Humans Closest Relative

"It is a world full of conflicts." notes Jon Stewart in his intro to this report. "Some are more important than others. And some are much, much less."

In the contentious field of science, there are many accepted truths. These two ape scientists duke it out over who is our closest ancestor. Fortunately, The Daily Show correspondent John Oliver is there to conduct an evidence-based debate: Chimps vs. Orangutans.

(A 'must-see' in that you must see the scientist with a mohawk who lacks any capacity for self-deprication or free-style rap skills.)


The Font Conference: 2 Good 2 B 4GOTTEN! (Go Wingdings!)



I have a new baby. And I am a man. But this site makes me concerned about taking any photographs with my genetic off-spring that might make it on the interweb. ManBabies.com show us a truer side of fathers, and the children we embarrass.

ManBabies.com - Dad?
GET MORE AT ManBabies.com!

( Spotted on Kevin Kelly's del.icio.us page!? )


Heaven on HEMA

Have fun shopping at this crazy on-line store from the Netherlands. If only strolling the aisles of Target were so exciting!

Thanks to Nellie Durand!


Why You Should Include a Joker in Every Brainstorming Session

The Fast Interview: John Morreall on the link between humor and innovation, why authoritarian bosses fear humor, and the funniest CEO in America.

From: FastCompany.com | November 2007 | By: Kermit Pattison

clipped from www.fastcompany.com
Humor makes us think more flexibly. People who think funny do better on creativity studies. To put it really simply, humor loosens up your brain to think of more possibilities and be more open to the wild and wacky ones. There is a guy at the State University of New York at Buffalo named Roger Firestien who has a center for the study of creativity. When he teaches brainstorming, he says you should put a joker in the group -- somebody who will come up with preposterous ideas. Very often that will stimulate people to come up with ideas that will work. Let me give you an example. A bunch of paint engineers were moaning and bitching about how hard it is to get paint off a house. read full interview >>