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Entries in video (18)


Cholesterol: Friend Before Foe

Scientific American: Cholesterol from Alphachimp Studio Inc. on Vimeo.
Text by Jeanne Garbarino. Images by Perrin Ireland. Video by Nick Navatta

Yes, when in excess, cholesterol can be very detrimental to your health and is often the culprit behind heart attacks and strokes. However, behind the seemingly dangerous exterior lies a molecule that is essential for human life.

Click to read more ...


Alphachimp Gets Down in Dubai

Streets of Dubai from Alphachimp Studio on Vimeo.

Whilst on assignment in the United Arab Emirates, team members take an adventurous day trip to haggle for brand name knock-offs, peruse backstreet markets, and convince a taxi driver to make a speedy stop at the world's tallest building.

[view the same footage sans music here.]


Pop!Tech Fellows: 2009 presentation videos

PopTech 2009 Social Innovation Fellows from PopTech on Vimeo.

Meet all the Fellows in this video—and then learn more about each organization’s work in their individual PopTech presentations below.

You can watch their videos from the 2009 Fellows page (click the link under each project description), from their Vimeo channel, or follow the links below:

Aviva Presser Aiden & Hugo Van Vuuren of Lebônê

Jason Aramburu of re:char

Eben Bayer of Ecovative Design

Paula Kahumbu of WildlifeDirect

Deb Levine of ISIS, Inc.

Derek Lomas of Playpower Foundation

Josh Nesbit of FrontlineSMS:Medic

James O’Brien of Brooklyn Community Arts & Media High School

Emily Pilloton of Project H Design

Hayat Sindi of Diagnostics For All

Taylor Stuckert & Mark Rembert of Energize Clinton County

Nigel Waller of Movirtu

Congratulations to our 2009 Social Innovation Fellows!

All video is released with Creative Commons Noncommercial-Attribution-ShareAlike license—and we hope you will embed and share these videos widely to help the Fellows continue their work.



The Daily Show with Jon Stewart: Humans Closest Relative

"It is a world full of conflicts." notes Jon Stewart in his intro to this report. "Some are more important than others. And some are much, much less."

In the contentious field of science, there are many accepted truths. These two ape scientists duke it out over who is our closest ancestor. Fortunately, The Daily Show correspondent John Oliver is there to conduct an evidence-based debate: Chimps vs. Orangutans.

(A 'must-see' in that you must see the scientist with a mohawk who lacks any capacity for self-deprication or free-style rap skills.)


The Font Conference: 2 Good 2 B 4GOTTEN! (Go Wingdings!)


Art, Art I Want You

For all of your artists or artistic types wondering if what you make, makes a difference. You are not alone.

Music video for Tanya Davis' song Art by Andrea Dorfman.

Art is a kind of innate drive that seizes a human being and makes him its instrument. To perform this difficult office it is sometimes necessary for him to sacrifice happiness and everything that makes life worth living for the ordinary human being. --Carl G. Jung

(PS. Thanks to Nellie Durand for the link. Nellie makes LOTS of art. Check it out: http://nelliedurand.blogspot.com/)


The We-Think Generation

CNN's Becky Anderson looks at how the internet has helped shape a new way on innovative thinking and sharing. This video features our friend Garrick Jones, founder of The Ludic Group and long-time lover of art, innovation and creative business strategy.

Click to read more ...


TED: Louise Leakey: Paleoanthropologist

In 1999, I visited the Rift Valley in East Africa and sketched the Olduvai Gorge where Louis Leakey, his wife and family members scratched and dug out the earliest ancestors to humans. It is good to see that the family is carrying on the tradition of asking: "Who are we?"

Click to read more ...


Prometeus - The Media Revolution

Email recently celebrated it's 30th birthday (see article).

This week, NPR is focusing upon the effects of--and coping methods for--this single technology that has shaped the workflow, schedules and lifestyles of much of the world.

For a glimpse on where the emerging new media may take us as "prosumers" who produce and consume media, check out this vision of a future scenario, in which virtual reality, spiritual experience, and the commerce of memory are commonplace.

clipped from www.youtube.com


MUTO: An Ambiguous Animation Painted on Public Walls

Imagine creating a 7 minute short animated film using hand drawn black-and-white line drawings. At 12 frames per second, you would have to create 5040 individual drawings.

Now image creating the same number of sequential images but with spray paint on public buildings. That is what this trippy video created in Argentina presents. It is hypnotizing. (Thanks to Matt Andrews)

clipped from blublu.org

MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.