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Entries by Alphachimp (525)


The 100th Chimp at Tacugama


Tompey arrives in the late evening at Tacugama


Bala Amarasekaran abandoned his original career as an accountant to establish Tacugama Chimpanzee Sanctuary in 1995. Together with the Government of Sierra Leone, he is working to secure the welfare and future of chimpanzees in Sierra Leone.

Sadly 100 – Tacugama: The 100th chimp was rescued two days ago! A tiny girl. Hardly 1 year old. Arrived dehydrated, weak, with deep scars under her neck and hips caused by the ropes cutting through the poor girl’s flesh….and I have seen those “helpless”, “all lost” eyes many times before!

An employer of the Sierra Rutile mines felt sorry for the baby and had bought it from a hunter. The little girl was called “Tompey”

Learn more and how to help >>

MONTHLY: Feed a chimp: $20.00/mo

Adopt a Chimp: Guardian ($149.00)
Adopt a Chimp: Sponsor ($79.00)
Tacugama 2010 Calendar ($20.00) 



Credit: Photo by Kelly CarmodyWhat do animals think? Feel? Believe? Why do we care? Well, most of us do. We really do.

WNYC - Radiolab: Animal Minds (April 02, 2010):

ANIMAL MINDS When we gaze into the eyes of our beloved pets, can we ever really know what they might be thinking? Is it naive to assume they're experiencing something close to human emotions? Or, on the contrary, is it ridiculous to assume that they AREN'T feeling something like that? In this hour of Radiolab, we explore what science can say about what goes on in the minds of animals.



FastCompany: Where the Jobs Will Be in 2018


Infographic of the Day
As part of a series looking at employment trends for the coming decade, NPR has created an interactive chart summarizing their findings.



Steve 'Woz' Wozniak on the Future of Computing: It's Human

From Fast Company's blog

Steve Wozniak

When Apple cofounder Steve Wozniak drops by the office for a visit, it's guaranteed to generate at least one video-worthy moment, like the one below. He was visiting to pitch Fusion-io, a company that's engineered a solid-state storage solution that could radically alter the server farm landscape. (We're currently testing a Fusion-io product, but it's been slow going since, oddly, the hardware isn't compatible with Mac.)


FastCompany : Society6 Is Etsy for the Artsy, Crowds Curate

What happens if you take away the curator and leave everything up to your customers?

Society6 aims to find out. Its goals are greater than simply selling high-quality prints. By creating an accessible social network, Society6 has produced a collaborative community of artists and art enthusiasts, where art can be bought, sold, promoted, and created.

"We've sort of taken ourselves out of the equation," said Justin Cooper, who founded the site along with Justin Wills and Lucas Tirigall. "You don't have to get by our personal taste to make your art available for sale. "

Purchased artwork is printed on demand, with Society6 setting a base price to cover production costs and a small profit for the company. The artist (anyone can join) then chooses the mark up and sale price of the piece--giving Society6 a wide range of price points--and when sold, they keep 100 percent of those profits.

NOTE: Check out Etsy art by Peter Durand (http://www.etsy.com/shop/durandgallery
) and Diane Durand (http://www.etsy.com/shop/thislittlefish


Studio 360 : "Hominid" reenacts violence of chimpanzee colony

SOURCE: www.topnews.in

Homo-Thespian: A new play, "Hominid," reenacts a violent incident that took place in a chimpanzee colony. Primate expert Frans de Waal and the play's actors describe what it took to stage a chimpanzee drama with a very human story.

Substituting for murderous, hairy apes is a chorus of bright and shiny affluent cultural elites in sparkling tennis whites.

The story, however, ends the same, with suicide, murder and the overthrown of a beloved leader!

Click to read more ...


Psychology Today: Everyday Chimp Creativity

Look what made the cover of America's #1 publication on general pychology!

The tattoo artists throughout Russia's prison system have never had lessons in painting technique (nor, apparently, hygiene training). They don't have ink and tools at their disposal. And yet they create entire murals on one another's chests and backs: onion-domed cathedrals, intricate cobwebs, chilly grim reapers. And they're not just beautiful decorations—they are coded biographies, telling those in the know their bearer's history and affiliations.

One would be hard-pressed to find a tougher environment than the jails where these artists work. Their ink is made from soot shaved off their shoes and mixed with urine. It's injected via guitar strings attached to electric shavers. The tattoos are a brutal mafia ritual. But they're also a mark of determined resourcefulness and self-expression.

When we think of creativity, we think of Mozart, Picasso, Einstein—people with a seemingly fated convergence of talent and opportunity. It's too narrow a set of references, because the truth is that all sorts of people, possessing various levels of intelligence and natural ability, are capable of engaging in fulfilling creative processes. Just because you'll never be Brando or Balanchine doesn't mean that you can't harness your idea-generating powers and make your life your own masterpiece.



Pop!Tech Fellows: 2009 presentation videos

PopTech 2009 Social Innovation Fellows from PopTech on Vimeo.

Meet all the Fellows in this video—and then learn more about each organization’s work in their individual PopTech presentations below.

You can watch their videos from the 2009 Fellows page (click the link under each project description), from their Vimeo channel, or follow the links below:

Aviva Presser Aiden & Hugo Van Vuuren of Lebônê

Jason Aramburu of re:char

Eben Bayer of Ecovative Design

Paula Kahumbu of WildlifeDirect

Deb Levine of ISIS, Inc.

Derek Lomas of Playpower Foundation

Josh Nesbit of FrontlineSMS:Medic

James O’Brien of Brooklyn Community Arts & Media High School

Emily Pilloton of Project H Design

Hayat Sindi of Diagnostics For All

Taylor Stuckert & Mark Rembert of Energize Clinton County

Nigel Waller of Movirtu

Congratulations to our 2009 Social Innovation Fellows!

All video is released with Creative Commons Noncommercial-Attribution-ShareAlike license—and we hope you will embed and share these videos widely to help the Fellows continue their work.



GOOD, Wooster Collective & Blu's Sketchbook

GOOD Magazine and Wooster Collective have teamed up to bring glimpses of art for the masses, aka. graffiti. Really, it represents the mash-up of public spaces and any form of open source media: wall art, installations, ad "fixing", and eclectic personal projects taken to the streets.

Above is a video page-through of a sketchbook produced by the artist Blu. It is amazing on two levels: (1) the surreal images executed in clean, crisp lines and (2) the fact that this is just one of the hundreds of weekly sketchbooks Blu produces each year!


What does it mean to be a Visual Learner? by Diane Durand

Last week a group of middle school students in took the VARK test to help them understand the best way they learn. 

What is Vark? VARK is a questionnaire that provides users with a profile of their learning preferences. These preferences are about the ways that they want to take-in and give-out information. (www.vark-learn.com)

V - Visual

A- Aural


K- Kinesthetic

Yesterday I was invited to come into the classroom and share with them what visual learning means to me.

And so I packed my "Magic Mary Poppins" bag of journals, markers, information graphics, art cards and quilts and headed in to talk about visual learning.

I wanted to share with them that I am a doodler. I have always drawn. I am sure they draw too. It was funny as I started to talk the teacher said, "I want to address the class real quick. I know I just talked with you about doodling and not paying attention in class." She was trying to explain is that you need to doodle for understanding instead of distraction. 

What is doodling? As a visual learner, my pen has to be moving in order for me to be listening. I can not hear if I do not have a pen.

What do I do? Good question. I shared with the students that I draw in front of people big complex business ideas. I draw on the computer for people located around the world so they can "see" what they are talking about. I draw big fancy models with illustrator that are printed out as big posters for companies. I also showed them how I draw for my children. How I take my drawings and routine charts for my kids. How I take a simple drawing and turn it into a quilt. 


Everything about me is visual. It is how I see and communicate with the world. 

I am so grateful to have had the opportunity to talk with these students. When I left the teacher and students had agreed to get some journals for the class and some cups of pens and markers to have out on the desks for them to take their notes. I wish I had been allowed markers in my classroom and I can only say, "AWESOME!! Keep Drawing!!"

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