
We are a visual learning company that supports business innovation, strategic planning, and collaborative design—
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Entries by Alphachimp (525)


The Electric Scribe

The Electric Scribe from Alphachimp Studio Inc. on Vimeo.

Alphachimp Studio collaborated with a team of adventuresome creative partners to pull off live, electric scribing -- plus a trippy light show -- for 300 guests. This behind-the-scenes look at the show is set to wicked peppy music by Kevin O'Donnell's Quality Six.

FULL DISCLOSURE: We can't take credit for any of the incredible staging or brilliant technology... just showed up with a trusty MacBookPro, a Wacom tablet and a belly full of butterflies!


Designers Respond to Crisis

 This month, has been one of witnessing communities respond to catastrophe through information, art, and action.

Local artists, including our own Alicia Diane Durand, submitted designs for posters and t-shirts to benefit flood victims

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Social Crisis, Social Mapping & Social Change

Updated on Wednesday, January 12, 2011 at 8:25PM by Registered CommenterAlphachimp

Updated on Monday, August 8, 2011 at 12:42PM by Registered CommenterAlphachimp

Social Mapping for Social Change from Alphachimp Studio Inc. on Vimeo.

This week at at the Graham Foundation in Chicago, PopTech brought together three speakers (and a smart audience in this city of news aggregators and social good organizations) for a special salon event on the current and future impact of social mapping tools.

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WARNING: Designers Tend to Fall Prey to Ideas!

"Designer vs. Dinosaur" by Lillian (6) and Peter (40)

Robert "Fabi G" Fabricant is inspiring jealousy (in me) by being in East Africa, blogging, and hobnobbing with the globally challenged superheroes and villains at the World Economic Forum.

His observations in his Fast Company post examine the long shadow cast by the rise of Design Thinking.

Specifically, Fabricant calls out the dirty little secret that designers--while clever, innovative and unafraid of funky footwear--don't actually know how to get stuff done within complex systems.

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Sketchbook Paintings of D.Fullerton

Great illustrations and paintings by David Fullerton (thanks Bruno!)http://bit.ly/9ivF4u


Remote Graphic Capture for Vanderbilt Center for Teaching

Mind map created remotely from Dallas and projected live in Nashville during the workshop.

This workshop for university faculty and staff featured many tools for physical and virtual facilitators and educators, including remote graphic capture and presentation on group  facilitation and graphic recording by Alphachimp Studio Inc.

From the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching (CFT):

Our brains are wired to rapidly make sense of and remember visual input. Visualizations in the form of diagrams, charts, drawings, pictures, and a variety of other ways can help students understand complex information. A well-designed visual image can yield a much more powerful and memorable learning experience than a mere verbal or textual description.

On Wednesday, March 17th the CFT hosted  Show and Tell: Integrating Visual Thinking in Your Teaching in order to begin dialogue about how we might tap into our students’ ability to think visually when teaching.

To see the results and access the list of visual methods, tools, books and resources from the workshop, visit: http://bit.ly/viz-teach




Alphachimp @ TEDx Nashville

See more graphic recording from the event on Flickr: images | slideshow

TEDx Nashville: Part 2

While our visual compatriots Sunni Brown, Austin Kleon and David Gray were cavorting with the SXSW Interactive crowd, we had the honor of providing visual capture for this inaugural TEDx Nashville event focused on the future of health care.

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Alphachimp Gets Down in Dubai

Streets of Dubai from Alphachimp Studio on Vimeo.

Whilst on assignment in the United Arab Emirates, team members take an adventurous day trip to haggle for brand name knock-offs, peruse backstreet markets, and convince a taxi driver to make a speedy stop at the world's tallest building.

[view the same footage sans music here.]


The Elephant and the Rider

Nonprofit Management and Making Change: Chip Heath

Great podcast on how to switch behaviors when change is hard from Social Innovation Conversations.

Those in nonprofit management constantly adapt to move their organizations forward.

In this audio lecture sponsored by the Stanford Center for Social Innovation, Chip Heath, Stanford professor and coauthor of the book Switch, provides a framework for change.

He demonstrates in case studies that three principles are involved in successful change, whether it be on the personal or societal front:

1. Convince the driver.
2. Motivate the elephant.
3. Shape the path.

Leaders in nonprofit management are called to attune to these principles when tackling change situations.

And Heath calls out examples from cleaning coach Flylady to unlocking secrets to protect kids in Vietnam from malnutrition.


Messiest Home: What the Heck?

This is my wife's worst nightmare: specifically, that I will cram our home so full of live monkeys and tools that a make-over show will arrive with cameras and snarky professional organizers to mock us.

Host of Clean House: Search for the Messiest Home in the Country, Ms. Niecy, arrives with her crew at The Monkey House.

If it is any consolation, they only let the little one sleep in the bed.

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