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Entries in graphic facilitation (30)


The Chicago Six: Alphachimp in the Windy City

This week has been a walk down memory lane. Or the Magnificent Mile, as it were.

Ten years ago, just before Thanksgiving, an extremely nervous Peter Durand proposed to Diane Cross at the top of the Hancock Building in downtown Chicago.

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2010 PopTech Paintings

Peter's mobile paint studio in the Camden Opera House. For deep coverage of the speakers, videos, photos and links to projects and organizations.

Check out the amazing work done by the PopTech Blogging Team at http://poptech.org/blog


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Alphachimp at the 2nd Annual Workshop on Information in Networks (WIN)


WIN Banner

Held at the New York University Stern School of Management, WIN is a Social Networks Summit intended to foster collaboration and to build community across all disciplines of network sciences.

Check out some of the images from this scientific symposium.

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Visions of the Future from Google Zeitgeist 2010

The welcome sign is made from hundreds of Rubic's Cubes.

As the world emerges from a challenging economic environment, the organizers of this conference believe a change in perspective is needed. This belief has led to the theme for Zeitgeist 2010: Mindshift.

This year, the Zeitgeist community took a look at how shifts in thinking have rippled through all aspects of the world. Alphachimp Studio Inc. was invited to graphically capture content clustered in six themes: Opportunity, Lead, Catalyst, Innovate, Unite, Renew.

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Harvard Business Review on Graphic Facilitation

Graphic recorder Stephanie Crowley depicts the central themes of the classic 1960 HBR article by Ted Levitt.

It's official: Graphic Facilitation lives!

I know this because the Harvard Business Review (aka. Ye Olde HBR) has published an article about graphic facilitators, examples of who uses our services, and the main point... our work can help businesses. 

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Videoblogging at the 15th Annual International Forum of Visual Practitioners


LIVE from the Bay Area in California, and armed with a spanking new Kodak Zi8 Pocket Video Camera, I have had a blast being both participant and videoblogger for this tribal gathering of scribes. 

Check out the results on http://www.graphicfacilitation.com!

Interested in learning more about IFVP... not to mention the 2011 conference in Hawaii(!)... then visit ifvp.org.

(Thanks CoBrandit, for tips on videoblogging conferences!) 


The Electric Scribe

The Electric Scribe from Alphachimp Studio Inc. on Vimeo.

Alphachimp Studio collaborated with a team of adventuresome creative partners to pull off live, electric scribing -- plus a trippy light show -- for 300 guests. This behind-the-scenes look at the show is set to wicked peppy music by Kevin O'Donnell's Quality Six.

FULL DISCLOSURE: We can't take credit for any of the incredible staging or brilliant technology... just showed up with a trusty MacBookPro, a Wacom tablet and a belly full of butterflies!


Remote Graphic Capture for Vanderbilt Center for Teaching

Mind map created remotely from Dallas and projected live in Nashville during the workshop.

This workshop for university faculty and staff featured many tools for physical and virtual facilitators and educators, including remote graphic capture and presentation on group  facilitation and graphic recording by Alphachimp Studio Inc.

From the Vanderbilt Center for Teaching (CFT):

Our brains are wired to rapidly make sense of and remember visual input. Visualizations in the form of diagrams, charts, drawings, pictures, and a variety of other ways can help students understand complex information. A well-designed visual image can yield a much more powerful and memorable learning experience than a mere verbal or textual description.

On Wednesday, March 17th the CFT hosted  Show and Tell: Integrating Visual Thinking in Your Teaching in order to begin dialogue about how we might tap into our students’ ability to think visually when teaching.

To see the results and access the list of visual methods, tools, books and resources from the workshop, visit: http://bit.ly/viz-teach




Alphachimp @ TEDx Nashville

See more graphic recording from the event on Flickr: images | slideshow

TEDx Nashville: Part 2

While our visual compatriots Sunni Brown, Austin Kleon and David Gray were cavorting with the SXSW Interactive crowd, we had the honor of providing visual capture for this inaugural TEDx Nashville event focused on the future of health care.

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Alphachimp @ Pop!Tech

Peter Durand from Alphachimp @ Pop!Tech from Poptech on Vimeo. Peter Durand from Alphachimp illustrates Stephen Badylak's lecture on regenerative medicine. From Pop!Tech Blogger Michelle Riggen-Ransom:

If you’re with us in Maine, you’ve probably noticed the colorful illustrations hanging on the walls of the third floor break room. If you’re not, you can take a look at them here.

These illustrations are the work of artist Peter Durand of Alphachimp Studio. Peter has set up an easel on the balcony of the Opera House, where he busily creates illustrations that capture the key elements of each presentation.

Peter let me peek over his shoulder while he illustrated a session. It happened to be Stephen Badylak’s talk on The Edge of Medicine. While images of exploded horse faces and dismembered fingers flashed on the screen, Peter managed to turn Badylak’s fascinating lecture on regenerative medicine into the illustration above. Watch a short video of his process here and see how language becomes visual art.